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Thursday, September 11, 2014

While our beneftis shrink and shrink Fedex bottom line grows and grows


Fedex buys back it's own stock (9.9 million shares) at record highs 

So as we must pay more out of our pockets for medical and have the worst sick leave policy in all of aviation among many other things here is what they are doing with what we are saving them. It is not only us but the whole company is paying the price. People service Profit? People at the Top Servicing their own Pockets.


Anonymous said...

See page 38

Sick - powered by your healtHcare

Anonymous said...

That is sick.

Cut all my benefits, cry poor, then go and pay yourself insane annual incentive (bonus) and long term incentive comp. That does not even take into account all of the stock and stock options our mgt team has received and pumped up with buy backs and draconian cuts - all off of our backs!

Greg Hall - our "benefits package" sucks big time. Don't try and sell it. Worst health care and sick pay programs in the industry.

This little charade of always crying broke is never going to end unless the protection of a contract is secured.

The cuts will continue - you can bank on that one.