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Monday, August 25, 2014

My last time explaining this. Here is a copy of a letter I sent to a fellow amt


I know I am not the greatest at explaining what we have tried to do and what we are doing now Hell it's so confusing I don't know if I understand it anymore.. If I was a great writer I would have written a book and not had to be a mechanic. Here is what I wrote to him and I hope it will come across for anyone who has any questions.
All I know has doing nothing about it help you or me? what the hell you got to lose. you can vote a union in and you can vote them out if you want.
Mr. AMT,
  Right now I put the FedEx amt association because some people did not like having the Teamsters name on it. We don't have any real association yet or officers because that would be putting the horse before the cart. What we are trying to do is back in 1997 FedEx got a law in putting us under the railway act which makes it almost impossible to organize any which way. (UPS started out as trucking and are under the National labor board) the NLB allows people to collect cards at the local level much easier to collect cards, the Railway act you must collect nationally. We tried to overturn the law and had the house agree with us and passed it but the Democratic Senate which is suppose to be for the working class was pretty much shut down because they needed to have 60 votes to over power any filibuster that the two republicans from Tennessee said they would do, so it got shut down. We need to first get all the AMT's in our own class and craft. 
You see right now we are no different from the cleaners fuelers or anyone that works at FedEx. The pilots were allowed to be in their own class and craft which made it very easy for them. They first started by having their own FedEx pilots association then went on to ALPA. Until we collect the 50% cards and file them with the NMB only then will they argue our case that we should be in our own class and craft. there is no guarantee but  If this come to be then it will open the door to call for a vote .For us to make up the board that will get elected. Anyone can run for the board and we will first have to ask all the AMY's how many they would want and go on from there.
 I am just trying for right now to get FedEx to understand that if we have our own class and craft we can call for a vote anytime and they will be more likely to stop and think before screwing us anymore. I am just trying to get it where the AMT's will have the RIGHT TO VOTE on it. We might need 2 votes, one for who would we want to represent us if the NMB agrees we should be in our own class and craft and the second for who do we want to represent us? The FedEx Amt association or Teamster or whoever. Then a third for officers should we want to keep it in house.
 I hope you can see why it has been such a pain for us to get anywhere. This is the time right now because the NMB has been standing up for the workers and you can see that by some of my posts. At the time we went to Congress the NMB was controlled by pro business and they would have kept us with all of the rest of the workers. Heck unless we do this we will never really know who is in our class and craft and the company will know that we can never do anything about what they take from us. It is that important. I hope I answered your questions.. 
Try to understand I have been at this for 8 years and this is the end for me. Come October and the card count is weak I am done If the card count is almost to a point we can get this done I can extend it. The cards are good for one year.
 I don't know of anyone else who will put their job on the line and do what I have to help you guys. I hope their would be but I have seen people so scared to fill out a card and when they do I can't even make out the Printed name. I have said on and on that no one at FedEx will see who sent cards!!  Like I have said before I won't even be around for the good stuff if we do get representation. I am going on 58 and plan to retire soon after if this goes nowhere.  hope I answered your questions.

 comment I felt I should add on here.
 Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "You tell me that they like Carlin said are all in ...":

My senior manager gave us the bad news about 2015 FedEx healthcare plan changes.

1. Premiums will go up 4-7% for everyone despite the fact that they have us on the hook with a giant doughnut hole before they start pay in. Basically, your shitty healthcare insurance just got more expensive for you and cheaper for the company.

2. Lots of prescriptions are being dropped from our current, crap plan.

3. Oh, and you and your family will have to under go a biometric test (paid for by you!) at your doctor's office before the company gives your paltry health account money.

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