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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

And the beat goes on!


We can all be very happy our company is doing great and we will have jobs but at what cost to us with the profit cost cutting they will be continuing to do?


Anonymous said...


Please do not stop your efforts after October 1st or when you are in Nashville!

Picking up lots of positive chatter in MEM and IND. LAX and EWR are going to get even stronger.

Folks have awakened to the need for a contract at Freight with 9 elections planned starting Oct 10. Express employees and the media are watching what is developing into a large dumpster fire with many issues we are dealing with here - most importantly health care. Between that train wreck and the pilots likely keeping all their perks when the contract closes - more guys are going to realize the need for what we are doing here!

Congrats on the transfer- well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep it going guys! Now is the time to talk to everyone you know. The cards are coming in and the labor climate is becoming more toxic here every day. Everyone seen the latest healthcare screwing for next year?

I have talked to many of you who are getting hurt badly by the new plan. (I know - out $4800 already this year under the new plan).

Tom - congrats on the transfer and award! Very much deserved.

Unknown said...

Don't worry it is being left in good hands. Randy Sherwood's father was a life long teamster who benefited from the union and still brags how good they did them. You can reach him at

best of luck you guys in Freight at least you have a shot at it!